Moving the Fate Quartet back stories here

45 min read

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legendguard's avatar
yeah, the back stories turned out way too long, I'm just going to post them here to save room on the picture descriptions. plus I want to bump the old journal off. anyways sorry for the length, kinda hard to summarize about 50-some years of background into four parts (plus how ever many years between the beginning of time and now). I'll go back and clean up the descriptions while I'm at it.

unlike other Pokemon, including Giratina and Yveltal, Shadogaire truly is evil. he IS evil itself. in fact, it was Shadogaire who brought death and evil into the world in the beginning. when he was first created, along with all the alpha generation legendaries, he felt a sense of entitlement that none of the others had. he is Satan, and just like in the bible, he felt that he was better than everyone else. he actually managed to trick Yveltal into revealing the secret of his life draining abilities, and then used it against almost all the legendaries, killing all except Lugia, his brother, and the trinity trio, which stepped in in the end and put a stop to him. Arceus had to actually revive them all. they were no match for him, as none of them had actually fought before, while he in secrecy practiced warfare and sorcery diligently. Arceus then locked him and all who followed him away, making him completely immobile and forcing him basically into torpor, and cursed him and his followers to never be allowed in the light again. Shadogaire, however, just adapted to this, his hatred and anger transforming him over the years into the darkest, vilest Pokemon ever. This corruption spread to his followers as well, transforming them all into a completely new type, later to be called the shadow type. It is basically the sum of everything vile and evil about the other types, namely dark, ghost, and ice types. If Arceus wouldn't let him in the light, then he would become one with the dark! Arceus, sensing this transformation, created a new type, combining everything good and pure about the other types (namely fighting, fairy, and psychic) and blessed it on the Pokemon species with the purest hearts. this would become known as the light type. a prophecy then was made, stating that when darkness returned, (which he would) a legendary would be chosen to fight it, being given extra power and would be given command over all the others.

Shadogaire was physically trapped, but his mind remained free, being able to psychically wander the earth. and as time went on, his mind only became stronger. he could "walk" outside of his body, and he used it to observe the outside world. he especially took an interest in humans, who were particularly susceptible to the influences of evil. for an unfathomable amount of time, he watched in secrecy, occasionally whispering evil into the minds of man. while he couldn't touch them, he could easily get them to do his bidding. many religions and cults formed around him, all feeding him power through worship and chantings. hatred, evil, murder, and other forms of dark energy, also made him more powerful. he watched humans, how they worked, how they thought, how they behaved. at first, they continued to amaze him, their feats of evil always seeming to trump the last. however, after a while, they became predictable, and to him, boring. nothing surprised him anymore. even when he manipulated them to escalate, he still found them extremely predicable. still he watched, waiting, waiting for the right time to free himself. 

Team rocket would be the one to free him, seeking out this mythical pokemon in a new attempt to rule the world. they were sorely mistaken. once free from his prison, Shadogaire killed, ate, and/or raped everyone in that expedition, and slaughtering all their pokemon in a mad frenzy. Arceus had put the Spikegg line in charge of watching his tomb. he killed them all as well. at the end of it all, only he and his minions remained. even the trees and plants around the area all died. the death and suffering only made him even stronger. using the knowledge and power he had amassed over the many centuries, he actually tore a hole in the fabric of the dimensions holding everything together, and he, along with all his demon followers, created a new, hellish dimension of his own; Regni Damnatis, the realm of the damned. and now, atop a throne made from the bones of the creatures he's killed, he waits, his minions growing stronger with every living soul they kill. he is the most evil, and dangerous, pokemon ever since the dawn of time.

so yeah, he's literally Satan. I don't know much about Yveltal other than what's given in the Pokedex (although I can say that he and Xerneas don't actually "die" when they turn into a cocoon, they just go into a state of complete dormancy. think of it as a phoenix cycle. the phoenix never actually dies, it repeats the cycle of life infinitely. legendaries can only die if they sacrifice themselves or are killed by another legendary) but I can say that the only truly evil pokemon are the shadow types, so if it's not a shadow type, it isn't evil. most of the other legendaries, like Darkrai and Giratina, are given a bad rap because people do not actually understand them. nightmares help us solve problems. destruction paves the way for new life. the distortion world keeps the dimension from collapsing in on themselves. none of the dark or ghost type legendaries are actually bad. they're just doing their job.

Shadogaire's goal isn't really about power or wealth, although he does want that as well. he just enjoys chaos. he finds joy in pain and suffering, so he sets out to CAUSE pain and suffering. the thing that REALLY makes him dangerous though, is that along with massive amounts of knowledge and power, he isn't afraid of ANYTHING. he just doesn't care. why should he be afraid? there isn't anything you could possibly do that he hasn't already thought of or calculated. he knows the psyche better than any other created thing. after all he had all the time in the world to learn it.

everything evil can be traced back to him. if something evil exists, Shadogaire was somehow directly involved in it. so the best way to fight him? not to give him ANY leeway into your mind. "poison goes where poison's welcome", from Terry Pratchett's "I Shall Wear Midnight", is an accurate statement. succumbing to those dark urges is exactly what he needs. of course, not all minds are made equal; it is harder for people who suffer from antisocial personality disorders to fight him, but it CAN be done. everyone is capable of extremely evil things, but everyone is also capable of great amounts of good. Shadogaire HATES love (pure love, not the love OF things) and will do anything to stop it. so blah blah blah, long story short, follow your conscience and your heart, and it will keep him at bay. also, don't go looking for the devil, because he'll find you. and do many bad things to you.

It's also recommended that you stay indoors at night, and keep in the light, because they perceive light as we perceive darkness; it's backwards for them.

Before I actually start, I'd like to state that the only "anime" thing that Mewtwo was actually involved in was The Birth of Mewtwo (BoM), and the first parts of the first movie (the parts with Giovanni). In the games it will explain that many of the movies are inspired by events that actually happened, however, most are not very accurate at all (like how movies transferred from books usually are very inaccurate). So this means that Mewtwo Returns, Mewtwo Awakens, Origins, and any other anime appearance with Mewtwo never actually happened. There is only one Mewtwo. There has only ever been one Mewtwo, and there will never be another Mewtwo. And technically, that Mewtwo engineered himself into something else, so he isn't even a Mewtwo anymore. He became first Macromew, and then Maxlormew. This is important to the game plot.

Eowenah was created by Kittwo and Mewtwo, in an attempt to create a weapon to destroy humans, whom they hated. (well, Kittwo didn't actually hate them, but she loved Mewtwo, so she just went with it) Mewtwo felt no sentiment towards any of the clones he created (including Venustwo, Chartwo, and Blastwo seen in the first movie), which irritated Kittwo, who saw the hypocrisy of it. She also grew rather attached to this small clone, feeling maternal instincts towards it. (It did contain both her and Mewtwo's DNA, so it was only natural. Just because she's a clone doesn't mean she doesn't have instincts!) Often times she would sneak down and read to it, or just talk to it. Other times she’d just sit and watch it for hours on end. Eowenah was unconscious, but she could still hear the world around her, and absorbed everything around her.

Arceus, too, gained a real liking for this clone. Arceus, being God, can see everything that someone is and will become or could become, long before it actually happens. This clone, different from all the others, not being tainted by Shadogaire's evil, being so innocent... He chose one of his servants, the Present Pokemon, Halipio, to posses this Pokémon, who in it's current state, was doomed to die very early on from complications with its unstable DNA. In turn, she was transformed into the Legendary guardian, Eowenah, and the prophecy was set into motion. The other legendaries were furious. Why on earth would Arceus favor this... this... THING. Arceus, however, shut them up pretty quickly. Still, everyone was skeptical, and rejected the new legendary.

Eowenah was born the moment Shadogaire escaped. Well, broke free from the tank she was created in anyway. Mewtwo immediately tried to begin training her, along with the other clones, but to his disappointment, Eowenah was not much of a fighter. She had ADHD like no one's business; hyper, unable to focus on ANYTHING, had to be told 5000 times to do something before she actually comprehended what was actually said, or that someone was saying something to her at all. Kittwo found it adorable. Mewtwo found it infuriating. Venustwo, Chartwo, and Blastwo had no problems following his orders whatsoever. Why couldn't she?

Eowenah wasn't trying to be difficult. She tried her best to follow orders, but she didn't like hurting anyone. Plus, there were so many shiny things all about the place to look at! Often times when she was meant to be battling, she'd forget what she was doing and wandered off, following some random thing. The other clones would unleash full strength on her, trying to get her to fight back, but their attacks just seemed to bounce off. She couldn't even feel pain, which would make for some very bad situations. Things falling over, breaking, or blowing up were very common around her. She had a real knack for pressing buttons, both metaphorically and literally. And, amidst the wreckage she would always sit, dumbfounded as to what just happened, but quite unharmed. 

For three years Eowenah lived with her parents, struggling not only to fit in with them, but with other Pokemon as well. They rejected her, sensing that she was different from them, and not just from the whole birth thing either. Her family, or at least her father and fellow clones, also rejected her. Her mother seemed to be the only one who showed any love towards her. Kittwo tried to argue her case, pleading with Mewtwo to see she WAS his daughter. He, on the other hand, refused to admit it. 

Then, Kittwo became pregnant. (Mewtwo did love Kittwo, though he wouldn't admit it to anyone else) To them was born Mewtrice, the first Pokémon born to any of the clones. Eowenah and Mewtrice bonded right away, and they became the best of friends. for the first time, Eowenah wasn't alone. However, as Mewtrice became older, he would run off more, the other Pokémon accepting him, but not Eowenah. Eowenah was heartbroken. She found herself more and more alone every day. That all changed one day. Shadogaire, who knew the prophecy as well as any of the other legendaries, had set out to find, and kill, the Legendguard. He found her, lying under a tree in a dim lit forest, which made it easy for him to traverse. Shadogaire easily tricked her into becoming "friends" with him. However, he found it very difficult to control her. He tried tricking her into doing evil things, but she just ignored them and did her own thing.

Shadogaire kept himself hidden from the others, making everyone think Eowenah had made an imaginary friend. Eowenah was frustrated that no one believed her, but didn't dwell on it. Eventually though, Shadogaire DID reveal himself, mocked her parents (for being supposedly the strongest Pokémon ever), and Mewtwo, being arrogant at the time, challenged him to keep his title. Kittwo fought to protect her children. Eowenah, who was dumbfounded by why her friend would turn on them like that, and he began mocking her as well. Then he said something that shook her. He had claimed that her parents didn't really love her, that she was nothing but a weapon, an experiment, just like her parents. Obviously there was a lot of denial and pleading that went on.

Mewtwo and Kittwo were no match for Shadogaire, just as the legendaries in the past. He laughed at them, claiming they didn't live up to the title even in the slightest. The clones tried to step in and fight too, but they were struck down swiftly. Shadogaire then turned his attention to his prize, who was cowering on the floor below. He plunged towards her, but Kittwo, with her remaining strength, took the blow for Eowenah. Shadogaire's tail blade, which he fastened to his tail long ago, pierced her heart. Eowenah had never seen violence before. It was too much for her little mind to handle. Something in her mind snapped, and the rage that built up inside her unleashed itself as the enraged form. Shadogaire was taken aback. Arceus had equipped an alternate form for her that could match power with Shadogaire, but witnessing her mother's basic murder changed it into something much more wild and violent as well. She was swift on her feet, slashing and tearing at him while also breathing fire and light and whatever she could muster. For the first time since Arceus had defeated so long ago, Shadogaire had met his match. It was not Eowenah that drove him off in the end, however. The sun began to rise, which began to burn him. He coincided, admitting he had not had that much fun in ages. Then he returned to the darkness of Regni Damnatis. Eowenah shrank back down to her normal size (the enraged form is always the same size.), and with what energy she had left, crawled over to her dying mother. Mewtrice, who had been hiding, also ran over to his mom. Mewtwo, collapsed on the floor, watched as she comforted them, and confirmed that, yes, Eowenah was meant to be a weapon, but that to her, she would always be her daughter, and that she would always love both of them. With that, she died.

Only then did Mewtwo finally understand. He HAD been an arrogant asshole, and was, indeed, a hypocrite. He never actually thought about what he had been doing. He managed to get to his feet and floated over to Eowenah, but she wouldn't have any of it. She now understood why he had rejected her for so long... it was too much. She shot off into the night, flying faster than Mewtwo could ever hope to match.

Eowenah had been compromised. she would never be safe in the Pokémon world, not this young. They had hoped that Shadogaire wouldn't have been able to find her, but, as chance had it, she found him on accident. And now he knew all about her. Arceus mad the decision to remove her from that world, and place her in another, quieter world that resembles ours. There are many different parallel universes that exist on a dimensional grid, including ours, kind of like how it worked in The Magicians Nephew, only instead of pools separating the worlds, the creation trio does. Arceus revealed this to Mewtwo, who had not known the prophecy, let alone that his daughter was even involved. He reunited the family, showing Mewtwo where Eowenah had been hiding, and explained the situation to them. Mewtwo, who had found a new appreciation for Eowenah, agreed, knowing it was what was best for her. Eowenah forgave her father, and she was transported to this new earth, disguised as a human. Mewtrice, too, went with her, and would keep watch on her. Eowenah was six when she departed, Mewtrice was three. She was given to a couple who had never had children before.

For eighteen years she lived as a human, suffering though many hardships that many of us have to face. Shadogaire, in the meantime, searched nonstop for her, trying to finish what he had started. Arceus, to protect her, hid her memory from her, so Shadogaire could not rely on her thinking of him. However, her memory began to leak at about ten years of age, slowly coming to her in dreams and thoughts. Eventually, Shadogaire caught on the scent. He had found her. Wow, this is getting really long. Well, anyways, Eowenah actually got hit by a car during the summer of her eighteenth year there, which the driver had been "tounglashed" by one of Shadogaire's helpers (tounglash paralyzes all except the heart and lungs) which gave her severe amnesia. Shadogaire used it to make his move. Arceus, knowing that Shadogaire had found her, again, kick started her transformation back into Eowenah, but her amnesia was pretty strong, making her old memories hidden again. At first, while Eowenah was recovering, Shadogaire would actually disguise himself as various humans (such as doctors or therapists) trying to actually trick her into joining him. Her memory did return one day after Shadogaire killed her entire foster family, the trauma of it kick starting it. Together with Mewtrice, whom had also transformed back, they worked together to keep Shadogaire at bay long enough to get home (Palkia opened a portal for them to get back).

Eowenah and Mewtrice were welcomed back by their father with open arms. (I'll get to Mewtwo/Maxlormew's bio when I finish his pic) Mewtwo was now living in the tree of beginnings, and had actually teamed up with his mother Mew. Turns out the tree is quite important to not only mew, but all the other legendaries as well, as it is the life blood of the entire Pokemon world. So, naturally Mewtwo gravitated towards it while looking for a permanent residence. After celebrating their return with all the legendaries (legendaries are actually a tight nit family independent of non-legendaries) Arceus came to her and tasked her with becoming the "Legendguard" (short for legendary guardian). This basically meant that she was given immense power and was put in charge of all the other legendaries, and in charge of taking out Shadogaire and his minions. (it's kind of complicated but I'll get into it later. Besides, this is about Yinyanro.)

Eventually, Eowenah realized that she's basically had zero experience with any of her powers, so she figured she would go and test her limits. She started with flying, considering that was the one thing she always wanted to do, and now she actually could. Unfortunately for her, while she was practicing flying, she let her guard down. When nightfall came, Eowenah landed under a nearby tree to rest. While her psychic powers cut the workload of flying in half (she telekinetically repels herself from the earth), it's still extremely energy consuming for her. This is essentially when Shadogaire, who had been watching her ever since her return, ambushes her. During the fight he managed to bite down on her leg, breaking the femur and injecting shadow venom (which keeps her leg permanently broken by canceling out her healing), and he manage to gash her throat, permanently damaging her vocal chords. She, on the other hand, managed to gash his left eye, leaving an unsightly scar (well, he makes sure the scar stays, technically he heals so fast most scars go away within a few weeks). While she had training in her youth, she was ill prepared for a full blown match with him. She only won when she was a child because she had changed into the enraged form. So naturally, she didn't stand a chance.  

Part of the deal with being the Legendguard is that while she has an immense amount of power herself, anyone who manages to truly (and permanently) defeat her becomes immensely powerful themselves. The good new is that she can only be killed if she gives her life up or is killed by another legendary, as is so with all legendaries. The bad news is the legendary strong enough to do so is Shadogaire. If he wins, he will absorb all of her power and strength, which, coupled with his already op status, would be devastating. Therefore, Shadogaire very much wants to be the one to finish Eowenah off. But, hating her very much and enjoying pain and misery, wants to make her suffer as much as possible. This is when he has his way with her. And then he kidnaps her and drags her to Regni Damnatis so he can kill her.

Then comes in William (although technically this wasn't his original name, he changed his name when he left Regni Damnatis), a male True Shadow Lycurpus (true shadow Pokemon are humanoid and much, much more powerful than their regular counterparts. They receive power directly from Shadogaire). Originally he and his half brother Slate were assigned to guard her/make sure she didn't try to get away while Shadogaire wasn't around, however, after months of talking with her and seeing someone do good for the first time in his life (William was a second gen; he was born into his position where first genners' chose to follow Shadogaire) started to have a change of heart (to be fair though he was always different from the other Shadows, much to his father's disappointment). Three months in, Shadogaire finally gets tired of tormenting Eowenah, now on the verge of death anyways, and decides he is going to finish her off.

Shadogaire was well aware of the relationship growing between Eowenah and William. However, liking games, put him in charge of watching her. William knew that it was a game, but against his better judgment proceeded to try and break Eowenah out anyways. He had Slate, who enjoyed a good brawl no matter who it was with, distract the demon (Shadow type) Pokemon while he carried Eowenah through some pathways and tunnels he had memorized. Keep in mind Regni Damnatis is extremely complex. Tunnels in tunnels in tunnels type of stuff. Plus, being outside the realm of time and space, worked a lot like the distortion world. So moving through was no easy task even for someone who had lived there their entire lives (and was hundreds of years old). Luckily or unluckily for them, Shadogaire planned on killing them himself, so he ordered most of his minions to back down. This unfortunately meant that Shadogaire, at full power in his realm, was playing cat and mouse with them. Still, with her remaining strength, will power, and spectrum beams, she managed to keep him at bay long enough for William to open a portal back to the other side. Although, it's likely that Shadogaire wasn't ready for the game to end, so he let them get away. 

Unfortunately for William, he knew that if he tried to go back he would be tortured and killed. Of course, he did save Eowenah's life so she offered to let him stay with her at the tree. Now, something to keep in mind about the Tree of Beginnings, is that it is a hallowed area, so no shadow, rue shadow, or shadow type Pokemon could enter its boundaries. This boundary is referred to as the safety zone. So, there had to be some arrangements with Arceus who granted him the ability to live there without damage to himself. He did not have Arceus turn him into a normal Pokemon, however, not because he liked the old way, but because he wanted to show he could be good just by being himself.

Now THIS is where Yinyanro finally comes in. It didn't take long for Eowenah to realize she was pregnant. Devastated, she became withdrawn and spent more time alone. She feared greatly that this child would be as evil as its father. Her father and brother, not knowing what to do, left her alone as well. William, on the other hand, desperately tried to console her, and assured her that just because its father was incredibly evil didn't mean that he/she would be as well. His attempts eventually paid off, and eventually they professed their love for each other. Maxlormew was hesitant at first, but given the circumstances in the last five months and the fact William saved his daughter's life, eventually was OK with it.

Two months after the whole ordeal (and a month before Yinyanro was born. Eowenah is pregnant for only three months) William proposed to her, and in another month they were married (well, “mated”). Yinyanro was born less than a week later, and William vowed to be the best father he could be, even if Yinyanro wasn't his own. Fearful that Shadogaire would kill Yinyanro, or worse, that Yinyanro would become like his father, Eowenah kept his father a secret from him. Both her and William knew that they couldn't hide it forever, but the longer he didn't know about his evil dad the better. Luckily Yinyanro had been born with many wolf like characteristics, so Yinyanro never thought anything of it. For fifteen years they lived quite peaceably. Eowenah and William ended up having four more children together. When Eowenah wasn't with her kids, she was almost always training, honing her powers and learning all forms of combat skills. William stayed home with the kids while she was away. Both were extremely devoted to each child, and tried their best to not treat Yinyanro any different. But after fifteen years, their worst fear came to light.

Yinyanro had decided to go for his daily hike through the tree, when he noticed some strange black bird Pokemon flying over head. the tree had every non legendary Pokemon species living in it, or so he thought, so how had he never seen these Pokemon before? intrigued, he decided to follow them, even when they left the boundary of the safety zone. eventually they picked up on his following them. the two Pokemon landed in a nearby dead tree, Yinyanro landing close behind them. at first when they see him, they mistake him for Shadogaire himself. Yinyanro, having never heard the name before, innocently asks what they mean, and who they are. They quickly realize their mistake, however, and seeing something was up started to fly off, not saying a word. Yinyanro, still wanting answers, tried to take off after them. Before he could, he was stopped by his mother, who had come looking for him when he hadn't come home. They immediately recognized her, and the connection finally clicked. Fearful for her son's life, she attacked them violently. This is the first time she ever made the first move in a fight. The battle was fierce, but in the end she was able to get her son to safety.

As expected after something like that, Yinyanro confronted his parents that night. reluctantly, Eowenah explained who Shadogaire was, that he was actually Yinyanro's real dad, and what happened between him and Eowenah. they then explained WHY they had never spoken of him before, and explained that Shadogaire was a very, very bad guy. They emphasized, however, that they would always love him, no matter who his real dad was or how he came to be. While he was initially shocked, he fully understood why they did it. He also claimed that William has always been, and always will be, his dad. Nothing could change that in his eyes. Much hugging ensued.

Months go by without any incidences. Yinyanro had long gotten over the previous events. His mother, on the other hand, kept an extra sharp eye on him. The Coranthraxes most surely told their master everything. It's not like she could have killed them or wiped their memory (shadow types are immune to psychic influence), so there was no stopping them from doing so. Technically though, Shadogaire already knew. While initially intrigued, having an heir was actually more of a liability for him than a benefit, as he was immortal so he had no need for one. Plus, this heir of his might try to rise against him. So he waited for a good time to strike. 

The day came when Yinyanro's younger siblings were out playing with him. Eowenah was out training, so it was up to William to watch them. Everything was going fine, until he went inside to grab something, thinking he would only be a second. That was just long enough for Shadogaire. Disguising himself as a bird Pokemon, he flew just high enough to avoid the boundaries of the safety zone but low enough so that he was visible to the group. Rubynine, Yinyanro's only sister, happened to notice him. Rubynine, being extremely curious/distractable and less cautious than the rest, wandered off to follow Shadogaire when they weren't looking. It didn't take them long to notice that she was missing. Yinyanro, thinking nothing of it, decided to send the kids inside and look for her himself. He didn't expect her to go so far so fast.

He finally caught up to her right at the edge of the safety zone. Ushering her back towards home, he noticed that she was staring at something. He looked up to see an enormous, black raven like Pokemon staring back at them. Almost in a trance, he walked towards it, right out of the boundary. Rubynine, not knowing what to do, followed. He stopped a few feet in front of it, watching as it seemed to observe every inch of him. He began to feel uneasy. Something about this Pokemon, although incredibly glossy and beautiful, gave off an aura of incredible evil and hatred. Rubynine hid behind her older brother, peeking her head out from behind his leg. Finally the creature spoke. 

“So, this is my son, the prince of darkness?”

Yinyanro was taken aback. This was his father, the Pokemon his parent's so greatly feared? Of course, Shadogaire then changed into his true form, and it was a bit easier for Yinyanro to accept. Shadogaire then went on to explain “his” side of the story (the truth told in such a way that he seems like the good guy) and proceeded to try and get him to join him. Yinyanro, however, wasn't having any of it. He basically told his dad that William always was, and always will be, his dad, genetics or not. Shocked at how noble Yinyanro had turned out, he gave his son that last ditch effort “your making a mistake” thing bad guys always make when someone doesn't believe their bullshit. Still, Yinyanro didn't believe it, and realizing he and his sister that he just now remembered was still there were in danger, told her to run and get help. She didn't even hesitate, Shadogaire terrified her. Yinyanro extended his wrist blades and stood his ground, making sure his sister could make it back safely. Amused at his son's bravery, he gave him one last chance to change his mind (not that it mattered, he was going to kill him either way). Yinyanro didn't budge. Shadogaire grinned. He liked it when his targets resisted. Letting out a chuckle, he reared his head back and launched a mighty Shadow Blast attack. He tried to block it, but the sheer force knocked him back several feet. He got back up and retaliated with an X-scissor attack, only to be swatted aside like an empty can. He quickly realised just how screwed he was if Rubynine got distracted.

Luckily for him she did make it home without any stops (. Both of them were already waiting for her. She desperately tried to tell them what happened, but Eowenah already knew what it meant. Neither of them wasted any time. They left the kids with Maxlormew and Mewtrice while they rushed to their eldest son's aid. Eowenah came tearing out like a mad panther while William followed close behind. She immediately went for Shadogaire, who promptly thrust her aside. William on the other hand went to help Yinyanro up. If he could just get to the safety zone just a few meters away... Quite a bit more prepared after years of intense training, Eowenah managed to get right back up and back into the fight. Snarling, slashing with her claws and breathing hot energy beams, she desperately tried to keep the heat on herself. And for a few moments it was working.

Shadogaire, however, saw through the bluff. He shoved her aside and readied his tail blade, aiming for his son. Seeing what he was doing, she rammed into him as hard as he could, making him miss Yinyanro. It had, however, fatally struck William in the chest. Eowenah cried out in horror, but was thrust down by Shadogaire Distraught, Yinyanro tried to go to his aid, but William told him to keep going and not stop for anything. He hesitates, looking onto the only father he's ever known with tears in his eyes, but obeys his command and continues to safety. Shadogaire, seeing that his prey had left, decided he wasn't going to waist anymore time with the whole ordeal and returned to Regni Damnatis, leaving Eowenah and William battered on the ground. The game could wait for another day.

Bleeding and battered, she crawled over to William's side. Really there was nothing she could do, it pierced strait through to the other side and he was bleeding profusely. Plus with him being a true shadow Pokemon, her healing abilities would only hurt him more (has to do with shadow types reacting negatively to anything “good”) 

wow, this is getting really long. So anyways, Eowenah and William exchange a few words before he dies, then he bleeds out, she carries his body home with her last strength, there's a funeral shortly after. Yinyanro blames himself even though everyone keeps telling him it's not, Eowenah becomes more emotionally calloused, Yinyanro starts training with his mom, which leads up to the events of the games (two years later). Technically the games aren't 100% accurate on what's going on with them as the games, anime, and manga all have their own story line. The “reality” is more of a mix of all of them, but all of those things exist in it as well.

to start out with, as far as the games go/my version of the whole ordeal, the female Mewtwo in the anime does not exist. period. it's speculated in the games that the confusion was brought about by reports of another similar looking clone that was indeed female, but this was later identified, and confirmed to be, Kittwo. this was team Galactic's attempt to recreate the cloning trials during the clone race. also, mew never actually gave physical birth to Mewtwo, this was actually a metaphor for finally getting a stable embryo. Mewtwo's entire gestation period was in a specialised tank. they had tried, and failed, an estimated thirty to fifty times (although an exact number was never actually given) before they could get an embryo stable enough to survive more than 24 hours. the first true clone to develop was MissingNO), who died about a month in. the second attempt went a bit better, but proceeded to become erratic and accidentally strangled itself with the cording in the tank before it could be born. this became known as Glitch01). Mewtwo was the third attempt, and while he successfully came to term, was as everyone knows, too powerful to control. as seen in the first movie, Giovanni did control him for a little bit, but then he blew up the place and escaped. this is where the direct correlation with the movies ends (game wise). another clone was created when the lab was rebuilt, but was made weaker than his predecessor. this Pokemon was called Mewthree). this clone was found to be quite obedient, but when he found out he was being used (overhearing a conversation between Giovanni and some other person) snuck away. but this isn't about them so moving on.

Mewtwo spent most of his time after that learning as much as he could. he'd steal books, papers, files, anything he could. he taught himself to read, then went from there. he learned much, much faster than humans, and quickly from reading and writing to computer hacking and engineering. eventually he returned to his birthplace and began rebuilding, saving whatever data he could while doing so. while he had blown the place up, most of the data was still intact. rebuilding stuff is a breeze when you have telekinetic abilities and the mind of a supercomputer. eventually he was stealing information from other computers and facilities. that's when he found out about Kittwo. apparently team galactic had managed to recover/steal some data from Team Rocket before he had finished developing, and were trying to recreate the results as well as work on a project of their own (Rotomtwo).

outraged that humans were at it again, he went and destroyed the lab headquarters, located at was would later be the Old Chateau. Rotomtwo escaped, while Kittwo, who was undergoing training and hadn't learned to hate humans yet, was pretty pissed. but, seeing she had nowhere else to go and had no clue how to live on her own, joined him on his quest to rid the world of humans.

this is where Eowenah's part of the story comes in. I'll skip that part and go right to where she left after Kittwo died.

Now, obviously this causes some continuity issues with the movie, but technically the games and anime don't line up anyways. Mewtwo did try to destroy the world aver the events above, but he didn't plan on rebuilding it. Now, there were some trainers who were able to find the source of the super storm he had created, and some other foolhardy trainers decided to try and stop him. Red (ash's game counterpart), however, was not involved. Like the movie they challenged him, and like the movie subsequently lost. He did steal all of their Pokémon, but not to clone them (well, he did clone them later on using DNA traces from within the clone balls). He took them away to keep the trainers from trying anything else.

Then of course Mew shows up. Now, in the Japanese version of the movie, Mew wanted all of the other clones dead, as it considered them an “abomination”. In the American version, Mew was simply trying to stop Mewtwo from destroying the world. In reality, mew had come to try and talk some sense into him. After all, she was technically his mom, even though she had never actually birthed him. 

Mewtwo had never actually met Mew before. He had heard about her from his creator and various other sources, but most said that Mew was an extinct species. Regardless, Mewtwo wasn't about to let her stop him either. Mew tried to get through to him, but she misjudged his motives. She thought Mewtwo was still angry about being a clone. While he WAS still miffed about that, he was more angry that his mate had died and that his children had to be taken away. So when Mew gave the whole speech from the American dub of the movie, he was pretty annoyed. You know, the whole “is THAT what you think this is about?!” thing. So, he attacked her. The battle was pretty one sided, mew mostly just trying to dodge his attacks and trying to reason with him, which didn't help. In his rage he also destroyed most of his castle. In the end she did manage to drag out the truth from him, and was able to convince him that destroying the world isn't really a healthy way to express anger. Plus, it's not like his family would want it.

Finally seeing the error in his ways, he dropped the storm. He also released the trainer's Pokémon to them, and like the movie, teleported them back to the mainland. Of course, now he and the clones were stuck with a totaled home and had nowhere to go. Seeing this, and seeing he wasn't really fit to be on his own, Mew decided to invite him to come with her to her home in the Tree of Beginnings. He figured that it was better than trying to rebuild, so he salvaged what he could and he (and his clones) followed her. 

Now, the ToB is pretty important in the Pokémon world, as it is the “life blood” of the world. It contains a massive amount of energy, and that energy is circulated throughout the planet. Several attempts to harness the energy have happened in the past, and this even resulted in a massive war in the past. Mew and the Regies (Regi's? Regis? Idk how you write that) aren't the only legendaries that live there either. ALL of the legendaries have some sort of connection to it. Most notable is Xylurite (a fakemon that belongs to my friend), a crystal/cosmic type who runs/controls the whole tree. So, naturally when Mewtwo and the clones moved in, they started to get to know most of the other legendaries as well. While some were kind to him, most decided to just ignore him. What business did this creature of science have in the affairs of the immortals? Most cruel to him though was the dark justice trio (Scrule, Seabrew, and Pterror), whom thought of him as an abomination, and wanted him out of their sacred home. At one point they even challenged him, but he held his own against them and managed to easily defeat them. From that moment on none of the other legendaries gave him any kind of flack. When another legendary doesn't hold back in a battle, only another legendary can hold their own against them (in the games they hold back against the protagonists, as they cannot be defeated by a mortal if they don't wish to be).

Eventually he built himself another lab/base/home in the tree, which Xylurite wasn't too happy about. But, he figured since it was extremely small compared to the rest of the tree (which is several miles in diameter) he figured there was no real harm in it.

So, where does Macromew and Maxlormew come in? Well, about two years later Mewtwo was out with Rayquaza, who was explaining the relationship between the Weather Trio members to him. The two are then ambushed by a group of Shadogaire's Equusin, who had been tracking Mewtwo in an attempt to find where Eowenah was. Which of course led to a fierce battle and then to Shadogaire himself coming out. Rayquaza, like all the other first generation (not to be confused with Kanto Pokemon, first generation just refers to the first in the blood line) hated and feared Shadogaire deeply for killing him so long ago, so he attacked him as soon as he saw him. 

Remembering the previous fight with him, Mewtwo didn't even bother to try and fight back. He had to get out of there ASAP. Remembering Shadogaire's particular weakness to light, he figured the tree, (with glowing crystals everywhere) would be too much light for him. Of course, this is no easy task in itself, as Shadogaire pretty much knew what he was thinking the whole time. Plus of course, Shadogaire's minions. And Rayquaza was getting his ass kicked, so he had to get him out too. So much  fighting and fleeing ensued. They weren't that far from the tree, so they eventually managed to cross the trees boundary, which shadow type Pokémon couldn't seem to cross (holy ground type of thing). It extends about a mile from the tree and is the only place in the physical Pokémon realm that Shadow Pokémon can literally never go (trying to cross causes massive damage to them and hurls them out after a few seconds). So, while Mewtwo figured shadow types wouldn't do too hot there, he didn't anticipate the extent of the matter. So two things became very clear. 1: he should probably never move out of the tree. Ever. 2: he'll probably die if Shadogaire attacks him again at his current power level. (and probably only survived then because Rayquaza happened to be with him)

Not wanting to be stuck in the ToB 24/7 his entire life he decided he would do something about it. Lots of planning, training, and experiments eventually led to engineering, gene splicing, and eventually eventually he made something that worked. He created a serum that “evolved” him, genetically enhancing himself while also infusing DNA from other Pokemon. This makes him the first, and last, legendary ever to truly evolve (not just mega or primal). Now, at this point he wasn't really aware of his mega evolutions, so in reality Mewtwo had never mega evolved. The stones were still out there, but they were essentially useless now. 

The majority of his time before Eowenah and Mewtrice returned were mostly uneventful. He spent most of his time monitoring world events and human activity, and even interfered with the evil teams if they stepped too far out of line. He had become more respected in the legendary family, and would often come to their aid. As far as Mewtwo returns and Mewtwo Awakens, they simply never happened. Now, Macromew/Mewtwo did have a run in with Giovanni, who WAS still looking for, but he promptly got his ass kicked, not expecting an EVOLVED Mewtwo. 

Macromew was also spent a great deal of time looking for all of the other clones brought about during the clone race. He had gotten wind of this event some time ago, and figured they were probably as lost as he used to be. He managed to find his younger brother Mewthree, along with Genesect (only one was ever created) and Rotomtwo. Mewthree and Genesect decided to join him, Mewthree looking for Mewtwo most of his life anyways and Genesect not being the brightest of the bunch and not really knowing how to be on his own. Rotomtwo on the other hand wanted nothing to do with any of the legendaries or responsibility, wanting to go cause mischief. Macromew also met, and had to fight, Glitch01 on one occasion. Glitch01, now a vengeful ghost, was now under the control of Shadogaire. Macromew had the unfortunate encounter while investigating reports of a ghost attacking labs near the glitch caverns. He wasn't expecting that creature to be his deceased brother, whom he had knowledge of but never looked into it thinking him, well, dead. The attack also drew out MissingNO, who was drawn to his chaotic younger brother. The two of them were eventually able to drive him back, and MissingNO joined allegiance with Macromew, under the condition he wouldn't be forced to leave his home. 

another Pokemon he met was Lucario, the one from LatMoM, who had been released from the staff by Red (not Ash). Obviously having ties with the tree means that eventually they would cross paths. Now, in the games Lucario had gone to the tree solely to find out why sir Aaron had betrayed him, not to help Red find Pikachu (mew would never have kidnapped him to begin with. She's playful, but not retarded). Mew had explained the story to Macromew in the past, but he figured the Lucario had just died in the staff, so seeing him face to face was a bit of a shock. So mew and Macromew took him to the place Sir Aaron had died (he gave his aura like in the movie, but it was actually repair a part of the tree that had been damaged by the armies in the past, who were trying to tap into the energy of the tree. It also healed Xylurite, who was badly injured when the tree was, and allowed him to stop the armies from hurting the tree more. The process badly hurt sir Aaron, but it didn't kill him. Xylurite, impressed by his selflessness, actually encrusted him in crystal to keep him from dying and heal him at the same time. However, Xylurite decided to keep him basically on ice for the last few hundred years, as he thought he might be useful in the future when Lucario would return.) and explained what had happened. So unlike the movie, the tree didn't get sick and almost die (you gotta admit the excuse they gave was weak as fuck. Its immune system was too strong? Really? Because it thinks humans are bad? Looking back at the movie now it wasn't a very strong plot anyways... seriously, why were the armies fighting? And why did it make the tree sad? And why the hell did Sir Aaron giving his aura to the tree stop the fighting?! And why did it make his body dissolve?! How does giving up your spiritual essence make your physical body freaking dissipate?! Seriously! I cried as a kid for nothing!!!) Anyways Xylurite released Sir Aaron, Lucario and him made up, Macromew asked them both to join them in the stopping of Shadogaire, and seeing neither of them had anywhere to go now they accepted. Hooray.

So yeah that's the most major stuff that happened while Mewtwo was Macromew (I mean there was other stuff but those were probably the most important things). So now Maxlormew.

It was Arceus who made him Maxlormew. Arceus (being pokegod) had been tracking his progress since he was first created. He had planned on tasking Mewtwo/Macromew with becoming the Legendking, which was kinda like being the Legendguard only not as much guarding as ruling/leading (although LG  is also a leader. Kinda like a king/queen kind of thing without the whole marriage/sex thing). Arceus was impressed with how far Mewtwo/Macromew had come. He had started out as a selfish, arrogant, vengeful Pokemon and evolved into a noble, selfless individual. Well, he was still rather ill tempered, and could be short with the others, so not everything had changed. Anyways, Arceus had a prophecy in place since Shadogaire had been entombed so long ago, and had planned on choosing three legendaries to combat Shadogaire when he returned. He had already assigned Eowenah to be the “Legendguard”, but he had decided to wait on Mewtwo to become more mature before assigning him his true destiny. Now Arceus thought it was the time to do so. Using the collective essence (which is a fancy word basically for DNA) of all the major legendaries, he infused Macromew with it and caused him to evolve one more time into Maxlormew. Like Eowenah he was also given a more powerful second form (mostly just to counteract the other two's higher forms) but unlike hers he actually had control over it (Eowenah lost control of it when she watched her mom die). Now, Arceus did mention to him a third member, but didn't say who it was. It would turn out that third member would be Eowenah's eldest son Yinyanro.

and it comes full circle to Yinyanro's part of the story.

tl;dr: Shadogaire fucks things up in the beginning, thousands/millions/whatever years later Arceus sends Mewtwo/Macromew/Maxlormew, Eowenah, and Yinyanro to stop him when he breaks out of prison.

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is-kill's avatar
I... I love this. I friggin' love this headcanon so goddamn much.